Maricopa county settles for
Julio and julian mora, who today won big against sheriff joe as sheriff joe arpaio plots to humiliate arizona by deploying a chain gang of illegal immigrants to clean up around chase field, where the major league baseball all star game is scheduled to take place july 12, there's ample evidence arpaio should be in stripes right along with them, cleaning the sidewalks of cigarette butts and soda cans.
Not only is arpaio the subject of a federal grand jury probe looking into abuse of power allegations against his office, he's also guilty of racial profiling by proxy.And for all of you nativists out there, racial profiling is illegal, no matter how much you may cotton to the idea.
See, the american civil liberties union of arizona has just announced that it's reached a settlement in the federal lawsuit mora v.Arpaio, one of the most egregious cases of ethnic and racial profiling to come out of arpaio's campaign of hispanic hunting sweeps and anti immigrant raids on local businesses.
Arpaio's lawyer tim casey today threw in the towel, moncler sale essentially agreeing to a $200, 000 payout to julian and julio mora, the father and son zip tied and held for three hours during a 2009 mcso raid of the phoenix landscaping firm handyman maintenance inc., where the elder Mora worked.
Joe's boys in beige were after illegal immigrants that day, but julian mora is a legal permanent resident.His son julio is an american citizen.
But all that mattered to arpaio's goons was the moras' skin color.Because they were brown, sheriff's deputies pulled over their truck as the elder mora drove to work.They were zip tied and laughed at when they asked to use the facilities.
Mora senior, who suffers from diabetes, was finally allowed to make water behind a parked vehicle.The junior mora was allowed to go to the bathroom, but deputies refused to remove his zip tie, and mocked him as he struggled to relieve himself.
The moras had done nothing wrong, yet they were treated like criminals.
So they sued arpaio and the other idgits involved, like the bigoted barney fife, mcso lt.Joe sousa, the brain surgeon in charge of the sheriff's human smuggling unit, best known for telling elected officials critical of his jefe to"Shut up"At a deputies' press conference in 2009.
Oh, if only the $200k could come from the pocket of an aggro idiot like sousa.But, alas, as with all of the settlements and judgments that result from the misdeeds of arpaio and his dull witted minions, it's the county that has to pick up the tab for this keystone koppery.
Interestingly, one reason the defense in this suit flopped on its face is that the mcso's moronic administrators could not determine which cheap moncler shoes mcso goons in particular pinched the moras.Flip to the word"Incompetence"In webster's dictionary, and i can almost guarantee there's an illo of an mcso badge.
In april, district court judge david campbell ruled that the moras' fourth amendment right moncler kids vest uk to be free of unreasonable search and seizure had been violated.
"Julian had committed no traffic violation, cheap womens jackets and neither plaintiff was ever charged with a crime,"Campbell wrote at the time.
"In short,"He added,"The undisputed evidence shows that when the john doe deputies stopped plaintiffs, they had no suspicion, reasonable or otherwise, that plaintiffs were in violation of the traffic laws or engaged in criminal activity. "
Campbell's april ruling practically guaranteed arpaio's capitulation.On the fourth amendment claim, the defendants already knew they were going to lose.
Annie lai, the aclu's lead attorney on the case, warned the county that it will be on the hook for arpaio's continued unconstitutional shenanigans.
"Sheriff arpaio's deputies are not free to ignore the constitution when they are enforcing immigration laws,"Lai said in a statement released by the aclu. "County officials should take heed that the moras and hundreds of other latino residents who have been detained in the raids without any evidence of wrongdoing have recourse in the courts. "
Lai just left the aclu this week, on her way to a teaching gig at yale university.I interviewed her before she left, and she will be the subject of a future blog post.
Congrats to her, the moras and all the lawyers at the aclu and elsewhere who helped win this one.Occasionally, there's a little justice here in sand land, though i won't be satisfied till i see arpaio suited up in stripes, working the side of the road, hopefully with all of his henchmen right beside him.
We need someone to make the truth about arpio go viral.I am a caucasian male(I dont consider myself white)I felt favor towards joe until yesterday when i serviced a very elite/wealthy home.As i was talking to the help they told me the 9 million dollor home across the way was owned by joe arpio, our lowly sheriff.Joe also supposedly owns several multimillion dollar homes.Either joe is in someones pocket or he is paid way too much, dont public servants income and grand estates required to be public information?If joe does hold several millions woth of property somthing is arry with the"Good ol boy"Lawman.Will someone with tech savvy pick this up and see whats what.Ron paul for president.Anyone else freaking out about all the"Im a morman"Billboards.I bet that is costing mitt a pretty pinnyall over the country peopleare making all these comments about the subject(Immigration)And mexicans, putting the entire blame onillegal immigrants from mexico, well i think they are wrong, many european anglo and caucasian and othersincluding criminals are here illegally?Asians, hindues, african, chinese, central and south americans just to mention a few!Well there are millions!And they just keep coming.This us immigration laws are not a mexican issueonly.It applies to all the illegals in the us not just mexicans who take theblame for it.Americans feel that theydont need to do basic labor work, because mexicans will do it for them, is itbecause they can't do it for their own self's.Or because they have asuperiority complex or it just runs in their anglo or caucasian blood.I meanwe excuse the blacks because they claimthat they already did all the work they had coming for them and, because thebad whites abused them for too long.But what is their excuse, i mean what isso wrong with picking oranges or lettuce, mapping floors, etc.If they are toospecial to not do these jobs, they should stop complaining why there is toomany people here wanting to take these jobs.Lets go ahead and promote starthiring whites or blacks to do these jobs, lets start making a change!Additionally the(Asians)Are the main immigrationproblem here in the states and america.Including mexico but we dont care westill have plenty of room.There are about 1.7 billion of Chinese alone notincluding the other Orientals of the Pacific Rim.And if you didn't know, thatis the fastest growing population in the us and america.They just keep coming, it is invasion time and we are justopening the visa programs to them.So, obviously they are taking these jobs, andyours as well., but Its okay they work for it but some are unaware being busyblaming the poor illiterate people of Mexico that come to fill the gaps.Comeon lets wake up and smell the coffee.I agree and support to change theimmigration lawlessness.Starting with ice or dhs which was called the insbefore.To reform the current laws or to better them!Anyway when i am inmexico we, the mexicans don't give a crap about how they see the world becausewe have our own way of seeing it., and not only us but the rest of thecountries of the world.In other words it is a very big planet and it justdoesn't belong to them.The world does not go around the us, it is not thecenter of the universe hello?And they call this place america?In part theyreare right and that is because theyre are also immigrants.Some mexicans have been here since the beginning, and most americanshave been here for 200 years some are just a few generations old immigrantsfrom the rest of the world and mexico but they deserve to be respected evenillegals.Share the land people.Americans as well as a lot of mexicans arenewcomers, second, 3rd, 4th generation but are full righted americans just likethe first ones that were here.Now there are lots of anti immigrantorganizations that feel that this country belongs only to them.The tea party, minuteman for example organizations of ex hitler followers, kukuxklan remnantsof the nazi germany who fled to italy, argentina and the us.An evil andoppressed almost extinct race that are coming back using the beautiful usbanner as if it was theirs only, and using all these poor illiterate white, black, hispanic, chinese and even mexican people to believe in their stupidity, promoting hate.But we the real americans are not going to allow that!They aregoing down and back to that same hole where they were, because that's wherethey belong:In hiding!But recently they saw the immigration problem as anopportunity and unfourtunately they aregaining a lot of momentum and support by the american people who are supplyingthem with millions and millions of dollars for their cause(Hate, mixed withignorance).
Now we admit the mexicanshaveIssues that need to be corrected and addressed.Just to mention a few:Wethe non white need to stop talking(Crap racist nonsense)Like blaming thewhite people for everything like the blacks do, who are like the minuteman oranti immigrant racist groups(Always blaming the illegal immigrants foreverything).And anotherIs assimilation of the language and usage, stoppromoting immigration to the us and workfor a solution at the courts, ballots, community, schools and even at work!Peacefully.Because the majority of good white american people out there havenothing to do with the racists.And are against it.We have to because we areneighbors.I suggest that we can start, by, providing all these mexicans herewho can't speak spanish some classes so they can enrich themselves and likewisewith the immigrants who can not speak english or don't want to.We also have togive them some basic immigration law classes because most of them are ignorantabout our us mexico immigration laws.Just because this country gave them acrossing card, visa, green card or naturalization doesn't mean that they areamericans.They are still mexicans according to our constitution.They willtruly be americans when they begin to participate in the change of attitudetowards their own co nationals and fellow americans, and by participating inways to change our governments here and in mexico.Working hard in making thisnext immigration reform a success and not a failure for example.But at home too.Is.Mexicans speak badly not only aboutamericans but to their own paisanos(Countryman)As well.Lets end ourdifferences all of us mexicans, whites, blacks, chicanos, and every race inamerica. beginning with us the Chilangos, fronterizos, nortenos, surenos, Indian, Spaniard, mestizos rich, poor, priistas, panistas, perredistast itIs absolutelywrong to fight between ourselves and that has to stop!Or we can get chargedwith treason to the republic in mexico and here in the us we as mexicanstalking bad about our own race and putting all or some mexicans down meansputting ourselves down.We need a reform not only in our governmentbut within ourselves. We need to love one another and unite to reform the USgovernment whichIs Corrupted as MexicoIs corrupted.Because it's safe heaven for them, for theprotection that this country provides to rich people, who get all these rightsand big welcomes in our society becauseof their money.But their attitude againstthe indigenous peoples to poor blacks, whites and mexicans.Needsto change!Now i love the real american people the ones that made this countrygreat that worked very hard and were righteous and deserved what they workedfor.Including us of course. We are part of this too whether we like it or not, Let's keep working to solve our neighborly problems itIs still a long wayahead of us.
Victor salasthis to inform you of a person living and working in the united states illegally.The names that this person assumes are as follows:Gabriela sanchez(Her niece), Karla p.Larry stark 3201 w.Peoria ave a 100 phoenix, az 85029her assumed socialSecurity is her aunt's soc.Sec.611 32 7757(Karla p.Aht4587her address is:2220 W.Mission ln.1095(Which is in larry starks name /phoenix, az 85017 co signed for)Srp acct 919 863 000(Which is in larry starks name)Her phone 602 628 3116(Which is in larry starks name)Family assistance administration case 00564738(Gabriela sanchez)Dental work provided under the name patty sanchez.I am very concerned about the illegal activities(Document fraud, identity theft, conducting crimes in america)That she is involved in.Please address the above issues as soon as possible.
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